Basins and sinks
Product info

Your access to water.

Wherever water is used in the laboratory, practical solutions are required. Whether EXPLORIS® basins or complete sinks – all depends on the work processes and the space available.

  • Available in four different materials for basins
  • Adapted to existing standards in the laboratory.
  • Various combinations of basins and worktop materials
  • Sink workstations with water taps and fittings, draining racks, soap and towel dispensers and eyewash stations for first aid.
  • Different installation types, such as flush installation, fitted with marine edge, underslung and welded without joints

EXPLORIS® Laboratory sinks and basins, together with water fittings, draining racks, soap and towel dispensers and eye showers, form a well-equipped cleaning workplace You can find the different sizes and possible combinations here.

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