LAB Norway AS was founded in 2010 under the name Noax Lab AS.

In 2015, we changed our profile to be able to mirror the business more towards our Swedish sister company, which has extensive experience with the suppliers and products we now represent. We sell equipment and instruments from leading suppliers to customers in research, diagnostics and industry, and our ambition is to always have a personal and competent presence to our customers and suppliers. We have a large selection of products and instruments in the laboratory area, and to make it easier for our customers to find what they are looking for, we have divided them into five product areas:

  • Analytical chemistry
  • Automation
  • Basic equipment
  • Biology / Life Science
  • Consumables

Together with our sister companies, we have a service and support organization that works around Sweden, Norway and Denmark. All our technicians have qualified competence and knowledge in their fields. ClaraLab with its subsidiaries LAB Sweden, LAB Denmark and LAB Norway is part of Berner LAB since spring 2022.

You are most welcome to contact us if you would like further information about our business or have questions about our products and range.

As an importer of laboratory instruments, LAB Norway is a member of Norway’s leading EE return company RENAS.